Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

7 World's Best Magic Tricks

Sawing 2 Section Being Yourself

Played by David Copperfield death saw this action as if telling a failed escape attempt.
The players tied up lying on a table while a large circular saw blade mounted thereon which can diturunnaikkan. After diikiat with various handcuffs and shackles, the player is closed in a box. Saw then turn around and go down slowly approached the box. A few moments later one side of the box fell open to show the players struggling to free themselves from the fetters. But before he managed to escape, the saw has fallen through and cut the box. A saw blade and cut off the body of the player and desk. Both pieces of the table and shifted away from each other to clear the body of the player into two separate pieces. Then appears the player is ordered to reverse the process. Both pieces of the body and menjanya taped them together again, the saw caught up and the box together again. The climax of the players came out of the box without the slightest injury.

Walking On Water

A named Illusionist Criss Angel, walking on the water of a swimming pool orang.And he witnessed a small group with a leisurely walk on water ... if you believe it?

Eliminate the Statue of Liberty

In 1983 Jim Steinmeyer and Don Wayne created the show to the TV where as if the statue of liberty can be eliminated, but it had not aired. David Copperfield mengambilalihnya in an illusion show. He ordered a giant curtain rises dikerek cover view toward Liberty Island where the statue is located, then a few seconds later the curtain down and seen the place where the statue once stood is now empty, a helicopter hovering above record the illusion that from the air, and indeed his image as if lost disappeared and that staying only halo that surrounds the statue. To prove that the statue was actually no longer in place, Copperfield two spotlights shining through the place and the fact that light rays are not blocked anything. A group of spectators watching it all from a special place that is closed and most of his camera to record from the spot.

Buried Life-Living

Magician Criss was handcuffed and put into a coffin which is then buried in the ground as deep as 6 feet (180cm), but he managed to escape out.

Frozen In Ice For More Than 60 Hours

On 27 Nobember 2000, Blaine perform an action called "Frozen In Time", and covered by a TV special. Blaine stood trapped in a block of solid ice on the ground Times Square, New York City. Transparent ice beam and placed in a small stage to see him really being in it continues during performances. He's just a little dress and appeared to be shivering even before the blocks of ice placed tightly around herself. He breathe and drink through a hose and a hose again fitted to urinate. He survived being held in a block of ice it for 63 hours, 42 minutes and 15 seconds before finally unloaded blocks of ice with a chainsaw. When removed from the block of ice, he seems ling lung and disoriented. He was immediately covered and rushed to the hospital because doctors feared his body may experience severe shaking. In the documentation that was recorded after the events of this action, Blaine told me that "it takes one month" before he was able to walk normally again and again he was not going to do actions like that. At dawn on January 1, 2010, Blaine's record was broken by a player from Israel, Hezi Dayan, who managed to survive in a block of ice for 64 hours.

Survive In the heat of Spray Fire More Than 2000 Degrees

In this action, magician David Copperfield trying to survive against a large spray of fire where the temperature is more than 2000 degrees for less than one detik.His succeed? Surely succeed because he is a professional magician...

Grand Canyon Float On

his TV special shows that the 6, David Copperfield floating above the Grand Canyon, the title: "Miracles to David Copperfield VI: Floating Above the Grand Canyon." There are no special effects TV or green curtains are used in the show and also did not perhaps because in 1984 the technology for that does not exist, not like now.

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