Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

7 Celebrities who Perform Plastic Surgery

Ashlee Simpson

MANY celebrities like to do plastic surgery to repair or beautify their bodies. However, not much has melakoni alter recognize faces. This time, the younger brother of Jessica Simpson, Ashlee Simpson admitted to having undergone plastic surgery.


This beautiful artist Korean origin also perform plastic surgery that is in the eyes behold her eyes are beautiful and interesting now that he's more confident to perform in front of people.


Junjin is also one of Korean artist who did palstik operations in order to increase the confidence in himself that he is willing to spend money for his appearance in public would look good and look cute.

Kylie Minogue

This Australian singer ever perform botox surgery to remove wrinkles on the skin. No wonder if at his age that no longer young, Kylie still looks toned skin.

Park Jung Ah

Korean singer was never done plastic surgery on the nose, eyes and jaw, so he looked even more handsome.

Titi Dj

Indonesian Diva is never done liposuction for body appear thinner. Previous Titi often wore corsets which would discourage the singing when I have to take a deep breath
In addition, he also had surgery to reduce her breasts. Titi often complain of spinal pain, due to objections arms times yes...


Being always beautiful and always looks sexy, that's desired by Kris Kristofferson, thus pushing it to make over her body by doing some plastic surgery, ie breast implants, liposuction and botox.

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