Kamis, 25 November 2010

7 Wonders of The Amazing Underwater World

Wonders of the natural world is also divided into another definition, namely the magic underwater world, the various special events that occur naturally under water, here I inform you the seven wonders of the underwater world:

The Blue Hole of Belize.

The coral island chain's second largest after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, located in Belize, the British colony located in the Middle Maerika.

Galapagos Islands.

Which is a Islands consist of 13 puau volcanoes and rocks located in the Pacific Ocean 1000 km west sekitaer Selatran America. Galapagos is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Galapagos is also famous for the number of species of animals and plants are big and never made the object of research by Charles Darwin who discovered the theory of natural selection.

Deep Sea Vents.

Also known as "Black Smoker" or black smokers, which is spending activity of gas and hot water to the surface of the earth due to volcanic activity.

Lake Baikal.

The deepest and oldest lake in the world, and contains the largest freshwater on earth. The lake is located in southern Siberia, Russia.

Great Barrier Reef.

As he had been told at 7 Natural Wonders of the world, great Barrier Reef is the largest chain of coral islands in Australian waters.


A country Islands in the Pacific Ocean
Republic of Palau (also spelled Belau) is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean, 200 km north of West Papua, 255 km east of North Maluku, 500 km east of North Sulawesi and 500 km east of the Philippines. This country became independent in 1994 from the Pacific Islands Trust Territory administered under the United States. Palau consists of 8 major islands and at least 250 small islands...

Northern Red Sea.

The ocean that limits the continent of Africa and Asia, and including the sea with high salinity levels in the world.

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