Rabu, 17 November 2010

7 Long-Lived Animals

The following are 7 long-lived animals such as:

Geoduck (Panopea Generosa).

Geoduck including species of large saltwater clam, sea shells of mollusks Hiatellidae family. Shell size between 15-20 cm, the "neck" or sifonnya alone can reach lengths of up to 1 meter. These animals can reach the age of 160 years. Geoduck (read: gooey duck) is often traded for Chinese restaurants.

Red Sea Urchins.

These animals can be found in the Pacific Ocean, from Alaska to Baja California. Most live in the depths of the sea that are not too deep, ranging from sea level up to a depth of 90 meters and is always hiding behind rocks to avoid the big waves. These animals are believed to live to 200 years.

Paus Bowhead.

Bowhead Whale (Balaena Mysticetus) is a large dark-colored whale with no dorsal fin, can grow to 20 meters and weigh up to 136 tons. These whales live entirely in the north pole and never migrate to find food or reproduce. Bowhead Whale is probably the most long-lived mammals (200 years) and an animal that has the biggest mouth.

Koi Fish.

Maybe this one is not foreign. Expensive fish that is believed to bring good luck to their owners can reach the age of 200 years. The oldest Koi Koi Hanako in the know is who died at the age of 226 years in 1977.


Turtles are known to have a long life, would not be surprised if the Chinese culture is often described as the grandfather turtle or a wise old hermit. A tortoise Gallapagos Steve Irwin had died at the age of 176 years, and an Aldabra tortoise believed to die at the age of 250 years in 2006.

Antarctic Sponge.

These creatures live in Antarctica, where extreme cold temperatures and little living creatures that can live there. Although unable to move, but these creatures can live to 1500 years.

Turritopsis Nutricula.

This jellyfish is one of the wonders of God, where the animal is believed to eternal life and can not die. They have a unique life cycle, which can again be a "young" after reaching a certain age. I am still puzzled how this could happen, there has been no further research about this animal.

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