Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

7 Abnormalities Rarest of Human Beings

Kleptomania Syndrome

Patients with this disease will always steal anything that is not even worth though. In some cases patients do not realize that it is a form of theft. At the time of stealing the patient feel happy or there is satisfaction in itself. The evidence suggests that abnormalities of serotonin in the brain can cause this disease.

Pica Syndrome

This disease causes the sufferer has the urge to eat strange foods in addition to food in general, such as paper, glue, clay, dirt, brick or yarn. Several studies suggest this is due to mineral deficiency, but the exact cause is unknown.

Trichotillomania Syndrome

The disease is somewhat strange to be understood. People who have this disease have the urge to pull hair to fall out, including body hair, head hair, beard, eyelashes, nose hair or eyebrows. This condition is likely caused by abnormalities in serotonin and dopamine.

Alien Hand Syndrome

Have you experienced instances where the hands or body parts you can move yourself without following our instructions, as if that section had a will of its own? If so, chances are you've had the Alien Hand Syndrome.

Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) or also called Dr Strangelove syndrome is a condition where a person's body parts can move themselves without orders as if those body parts has a mind and will sendiri.Biasanya body parts that can be affected by this syndrome are the hands, but in some cases There are also foot.

Cotard's Syndrome

Patients with this disease will feel that he is dead and nothing in the world again. It also felt that he was losing blood or internal organs and body parts that had decayed. This condition can develop due to mental disease or associated with depression.

Exploding Head Syndrome

People feel there is a loud noise that seemed to emerge from within his own head like an explosion. It usually occurs after a person is sleeping for 2 hours, but not because of a dream. Patients will feel fear and anxiety is accompanied by increased heart rate.

Genital retraction syndrome

This syndrome causes a person becomes panicky, anxious and confused about parts of her body. For men have thought that their penis will continue to shrink and disappear into the stomach. While the woman felt her breasts will shrink and get into the body.

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